C++14 best practices

I just watched Herb Sutter's CppCon 14 address and felt a need to make a note to myself of a couple of things:

  • Call functions with raw references or pointers to entities that live at least as long as your scope.
  • Don't overuse pass-by-value even for parameters you're going to copy unconditionally — a combination of copy and move assignment perform better in important cases because an unconditionally copied parameter cannot take advantage of existing capacity at the final destination. Prefer
        void set_name(std::string const& name);
        void set_name(std::string&& name);
    to this
        void set_name(std::string name);
  • Assuming you have a class hierarchy C0 <| C1 <| … and corresponding factory template functions. If you'd like to keep an arbitrary instance around for the duration of a scope while erasing its type, you might think this requires heap allocation. But it's not true: a reference to the base type will do just fine!
        C0 const& c0 = cFactory(…);
        /* … */
    The result of the factory is stored in a temporary and its lifetime is determined by the lifetime of the reference. The idea came from Andrei Alexandrescu's ScopeGuard.
